Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In Conclusion

Gender Talk will always be an issue and the tension behind this topic will continue to be a controversial because the change of societal behavoir. Gender Tension isn't about opposite sex anymore, this topic also includes people of same sex with different sexual orientation. Equality between men and women is substantially changing, we can argue today that women in many cases are making more money than there partner when it comes to bringing in the income into the home. Even though this may be the fact in the Western world, Gender equality is not perceived well in other countries. The only way to diagnose this issue is to continue to spread awarenesss through all channels of communication such as television, radio, friends and the worldwideweb. Only then will equality of Gender be nothing more than history.


History on Gender Tension

Gender inequaltiy can date all the way to the 1600s, it has been a raising problem for centuries till the push for women right happen during the 1800s and 1900s. Many Historians argue that in a pre-market, farm economy, women enjoyed something much more like equality. On a family farm, men and women typically did different jobs—men did heavy field labor, woodwork and repair, and worked with large edge tools: women typically did food and clothing preparation, and food preservation. There were many arguements and debates which implied that women were not equal to men. During those early years mens felt threaten to the fact that a women would dare compare themself as equal to a person of masculinity. As the 1800s arrived there were many Women Right petitions and on going debates about women wanting to be treated equal. By the 1900s bills were sign which stated that women were just as equal as men. But even to this day, women still feel there is a sense of inequaltiy in the job market when it comes to salary amount virsus men salary amount doing the exact same job. This image below mocks the sight of women insisting on their rights:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cons Of Gender Talk And Gender Tension

This video will display a common perception of how men behave and women. In some cases this may cause a negative affect with people especially with there self-image:

Pros of Gender Talk And Tension

In slight of all the negative and partial views on Gender role there are alot of positive that could be touched upon. For fact Gender role has change dramtically over the few decades, men and women both share the same responsibilties within the home. A women doesnt need to have a man assistent to be finicially secure on her own, she can fend for herself and make her own living. There are no limitations to what a women can do or men when it comes to whatever life has to offer to them. This is something which have been implemented in the Western World.

This image shows in simple context of how gender role has change within the few decades, what was consider norms are not the same again.

Cultural Perspective of Gender Tensions

Cultural upbringing may influence your views, when it comes to what role you play in society based on your gender. Many culture does this not inadvertently but because of there culutre norm they become a custom to certain beliefs. Many culture believe the woman should be the one who stay home and take care of the home, while the husband works to bring the money in the home. But the roles has change drastically over the years where this isnt the case anymore. Both men and women share the same weight in society ,when it comes to duties inside the home and outside. Especailly in the western world Women and Men are expected to work to provide for there family virsus maybe 30 years ago. Through the process of Socialization within the family, in educational institutions and other social spheres, boys and girls are conditioned to behave in certain ways and to play different roles in society. They are encouraged to conform to established cultural norms by being rewarded or punished for their behavior. This was most definitely the fact atleast 30 years ago and even further down the timeline no doubt.


A Universal perspective On Gender Talk And Tension

People Generally around the world have some radical views, when it comes to discrimmination against particular groups in society. Groups including Lesbians, Gays, bi-sexuals and transgenders because some may not be familar to such things so in many cases these groups freedoms are violated. Its becomes a issue if such gender should have intimate relationships in public and it even stretches to the point where there chances of  being employed are jeopardaize because of your sexual orientation. The United Nations have been trying to elighten other countries to protect the rights of other people in there country no matter there Sexual orientation . Especially the country with radical view towards the topic and for some country this topic is very sensitive. In some 76 countries, discriminatory laws criminalize private, consensual same-sex relationships, exposing individuals to the risk of arrest, prosecution, imprisonment , in at least five countries, the death penalty. Such topics are forbidden in some countries and may even bring unnecessary tension amonst people.Even though a majorty of the world continues to discrimminate against women, women in the western world actually face another reality virsus the rest of the world. Statistics below display canada general role in the home between men and women. During the following time periods:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lets Talk Gender And Tensions (Summary)

Gender Bias is generally something, the average person face everyday. You may have experience it in your workplace or even your household. In my blog for the upcoming weeks, i will be covering all aspects of Gender relating issues in the workplace. This blog will teach you the correct ethical way to approach any gender issues you may face in a professional environment or personal environment. I will be tackling all the controversial tensions which is fumed by Gender Bias. Everything has a beginning, so there will be a brief history of how Gender Bias was first began. Conflicts are huge when relating to Gender Bias, so i will be providing you with the correct solution to solving these issues in any future obstacles which may arise.