People Generally around the world have some radical views, when it comes to discrimmination against particular groups in society. Groups including Lesbians, Gays, bi-sexuals and transgenders because some may not be familar to such things so in many cases these groups freedoms are violated. Its becomes a issue if such gender should have intimate relationships in public and it even stretches to the point where there chances of being employed are jeopardaize because of your sexual orientation. The United Nations have been trying to elighten other countries to protect the rights of other people in there country no matter there Sexual
. Especially the country with radical view towards the topic and for some country this topic is very sensitive. In some 76 countries, discriminatory laws criminalize private,
consensual same-sex relationships, exposing individuals to the risk of
arrest, prosecution, imprisonment , in at least five countries,
the death penalty. Such topics are forbidden in some countries and may even bring unnecessary tension amonst people.Even though a majorty of the world continues to discrimminate against women, women in the western world actually face another reality virsus the rest of the world. Statistics below display canada general role in the home between men and women. During the following time periods:
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