Wednesday, March 5, 2014

History on Gender Tension

Gender inequaltiy can date all the way to the 1600s, it has been a raising problem for centuries till the push for women right happen during the 1800s and 1900s. Many Historians argue that in a pre-market, farm economy, women enjoyed something much more like equality. On a family farm, men and women typically did different jobs—men did heavy field labor, woodwork and repair, and worked with large edge tools: women typically did food and clothing preparation, and food preservation. There were many arguements and debates which implied that women were not equal to men. During those early years mens felt threaten to the fact that a women would dare compare themself as equal to a person of masculinity. As the 1800s arrived there were many Women Right petitions and on going debates about women wanting to be treated equal. By the 1900s bills were sign which stated that women were just as equal as men. But even to this day, women still feel there is a sense of inequaltiy in the job market when it comes to salary amount virsus men salary amount doing the exact same job. This image below mocks the sight of women insisting on their rights:

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